Rock Your Mojo LIve!

The Transformational Event for Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Consultants, Creatives and the Career Oriented

for Women AND Men Ready to Ignite Their Mojo

Limited Time Special ONLY $97!

Ends in:


What if you had the opportunity for TWO and A HALF DAYS to immerse yourself in the greatest transformational empowerment teachings available?

Would you?

Or would you continue to struggle with:

  • Not taking action towards your actual dreams and wondering why you feel unfulfilled
  • Your inner conflict and feelings of unworthiness
  • Taking care of everyone else’s needs before your own
  • Being passive instead of powerful
  • Procrastination and lack of enthusiasm for life
  • Experiencing one or two good days only to succumb to fear, worry and doubt yet again
  • the harsh reality of putting forth your best efforts only to be left empty handed and feeling all alone
Here’s the deal, there’s no need to struggle anymore…
Deborah Kagan

Hi there,
I’m Deborah Kagan.
A woman who lost her mojo, gained it back…and then some.
I am on a mission to help others do the same.
Today, I am a successful entrepreneur, have a rich, fulfilling personal life and have an enthusiasm for living that’s unparalleled.

Those three things (the money, the honey and the vibrancy) - that’s my dream for you.

Because I dream of a world of juicy, mojoliciously empowered human BEINGS.
Human BEINGS who relish in their power + pleasure.
Human BEINGS who conquer their fears, look them square in the face, throw them on the ground, wrestle with them, get scratched up and STILL come out on top…loving their mojolicious empowered selves.

I’ve done it, so have 1000s of my clients and followers, and it’s possible for you, too.

That’s why I’m eager to invite you to the Rock Your Mojo Live! event, where we engage in this conversation and transform lives.

Mojoliciously yours,

When you join me over these two and a half days, you’ll learn:

2.5 mojo filled days in Los Angeles, CA

for Women AND Men Ready to Ignite Their Mojo

Register for only $597
Limited Time Special
Only $97!


These will definitely sell out… get yours while you can

What people are saying about Deborah Kagan:

“I attended one of Deborah’s events and was more than impressed. Deborah is an expert facilitator – seamlessly creating a safe environment for sharing and healing. At one point during the event, Deborah gave individual feedback. Her suggestions came from a deeply intuitive place. Her recommendation for me was literally transformative. It was like I rediscovered a part of myself that had been long lost. I have already recommended Deborah to my friends and I wholeheartedly advocate her important work.”
~ Jean Franzblau

“Working with Deborah has been a joy for all my senses. She has helped me open things in me that I have buried down deep. I am more open, less scared and feel much more in control of my life and business.”
~ Darlene Centanni

“Your work made me believe in myself. It gave me the courage to make the career decision I’ve been holding off on for a longtime. The power in the tools you teach have helped lift me up and therefore, help lift others up around me. I’m so grateful for you and what you do.”
~ Wendy Weber

At Rock Your Mojo: Live!, 2½ Fun, Transformational Days…

My goal is to support you to get what you actually want.


Because I know what it’s like to be disconnected from

your M.O.J.O, having big dreams and goals, but struggling to just get through each day.

Here’s the thing, you’re an amazing human. I know this because I attract phenomenal people in my life. And you probably have a lot of good stuff going on. Yet, there’s just this nagging thing. It’s something you have trouble putting your finger on, but it’s there.

When you get quiet with yourself, you know it has to do with the fundamentals of being a person who’s fully confident in their skin.

It might show up at work. Where you find yourself playing small and saying someday I’ll get to that project/plan/book/event.

It might show up in your personal life. Where you feel you don’t know how to intimately connect with your partner or let alone get out there and feel good about finding one if you’re single.

It might show up around your self care (or lack thereof). Where you continue to keep busy with everything else and put yourself last on the list.

It might show up in the arena of sensuality or sex. Where you feel disconnected from your body and have no clue how to comfortably and safely open the door to your own pleasure; in or out of the bedroom.

These are all signs you have disconnected from your M.O.J.O.

Your Mojo is your life force. It’s the thing that people feel from you before you ever say a word. It’s your vibe. And it’s IN you right now.

You simply need to learn how to access it and keep the flame stoked on a regular basis.

I’ve been able to distill my life’s work into a mere 2½ days

Friday ~ Mojo Mindset

We begin the journey with your mind giving you the tools to slash through the noise in order to access your powers to create.

Note: there’s a VIP reception afterward only for those who reserved early bird tickets.

Saturday ~ Mojo Power

Today is where you get in the drivers seat of your Mojo power. It’s about tapping into it through your body for maximum results, pleasure and vitality.

Note: the morning sessions are gender separated.

Sunday ~ Mojo Success

Be ready to uncover the next layer of your authentic self expression while harnessing life force in your environment every day. Today you begin to put all the pieces together and map out a plan to implement long after the event is complete.

Note: the morning sessions are gender separated.

2.5 mojo filled days in Los Angeles, CA

for Women AND Men Ready to Ignite Their Mojo

Limited Time Special
ONLY $97!


These will definitely sell out… get yours while you can


Bonus #1


Let me treat you to an introductory reception at this mojolicious event so you end the first day with warmth in your heart + your belly. Connect with me and your fellow Mojo attendees to mix, mingle and create lasting relationships.

* only available for super early bird and early bird registrants

Bonus #2

IGNITE YOUR MOJO CHEAT SHEET (instant access pdf)

This invaluable resource gives you the simple steps to consistently stay connected to your M.O.J.O. It’s a step by step reminder for when you are on the go or need that added boost to your day.

Bonus #3


This is the MUST HAVE resource guide of books and products Deborah uses and recommends to private clients to have the vibrant personal life they desire so that they can truly live a mojolicious life. It’s an invaluable guide to add to your success library.


Limited Time Special
ONLY $97!


Hey! Some things are just better together. And it’s statistically proven that when you share an experience with someone else, you have a 70% higher chance to retain the wisdom and learning.

SO, as an ADDED BONUS you can bring a friend (or coworker / spouse / partner) for only $47 extra.

Have you ever considered what it would be like if:

And how that impacts your bottom line?

It may have crossed your mind.
You might even have tried a few times.
But it never stuck.

It’s not your fault.

No one taught you. Your parents didn’t have the tools. Your school wasn’t designed that way. Nor was your community or peer group.

How the heck does anyone ever learn this stuff then?

The good news: that’s exactly what Rock Your Mojo: Live! is all about!

2.5 mojo filled days in Los Angeles, CA

for Women AND Men Ready to Ignite Their Mojo

Limited Time Special
ONLY $97!


These will definitely sell out… get yours while you can

Why attend?

The more successful you want to be, the more guidance required.

Life brings many challenges. Going it alone is a choice.

With guidance, support and wisdom from someone who is further ahead on the path you desire, you can move forward faster and with increased ease and grace.

This is your opportunity to learn from an expert.
This is your chance to get the short cuts to success.
This is your option for a massive breakthrough.

Grab your savings while you still can…

Limited Time Special
ONLY $97!


Hey! Some things are just better together. And it’s statistically proven that when you share an experience with someone else, you have a 70% higher chance to retain the wisdom and learning.

SO, as an ADDED BONUS you can bring a friend (or coworker / spouse / partner) for only $47 extra.


Bonus #1


Let me treat you to an introductory reception at this mojolicious event so you end the first day with warmth in your heart + your belly. Connect with me and your fellow Mojo attendees to mix, mingle and create lasting relationships.

* only available for super early bird and early bird registrants

Bonus #2

IGNITE YOUR MOJO CHEAT SHEET (instant access pdf)

This invaluable resource gives you the simple steps to consistently stay connected to your M.O.J.O. It’s a step by step reminder for when you are on the go or need that added boost to your day.

Bonus #3


This is the MUST HAVE resource guide of books and products Deborah uses and recommends to private clients to have the vibrant personal life they desire so that they can truly live a mojolicious life. It’s an invaluable guide to add to your success library.


Sheraton Pasadena Hotel
303 Cordova Street Pasadena, California 91101


What’s included?
Two and a half days of seriously deliciously knock ‘em alive content, experiences and connections.

What if I don’t have the time?
I’m going to be blatantly honest with you here. If you think you don’t have the time to spend ONE weekend on improving the quality of your life, then you’re not serious about wanting to step into your most powerful, mojolciously alive self. Period.

What if I don’t live in Los Angeles?
If you live in place with access to planes, trains or automobiles that go to Los Angeles, then you can get your cute tush here to join us…and it will be worth it. So basically, that means you baby. Come join us!

What if I’m already fairly confident and feel pretty good about my life?
I hear you. If you’re like I was, you feel like you got it going on. It doesn’t freak you out to be seen or heard and you might have an active life. BUT there’s something missing. It’s as if there’s a hollow place that never quite fills up. This place is the invisible gap between you and YOU. At Rock Your Mojo: Live!, we’re going to get VERY real about stepping into the 21st Century version of being a human. That doesn’t look like anything we’ve experienced before. And you’ll learn specific techniques to amp your mojo and take your life to a new level by BEING an expanded version of you.

I heard Deborah only works with women. Can men come to this event?
100% yes! After years of men asking where they can access their mojo, Deborah is giving them that access because #menhavemojotoo

©2020 Deborah Kagan